

It is recommended to use the new automatic setup instead of the following one! The following may get outdated.

This mini tutorial is expecting some basic knowledge about CMake and the Windows build system based on Visual Studio. I highly recommend using the CMake Ninja generator in favour of the Visual Studio ones, as Visual Studio as an IDE itself has support for both.

  1. Clone AnyDSL from AnyDSL/anydsl. You have to use the cmake-based-setup branch.

    1. Make sure all the necessary dependencies are installed. Especially zlib and potentially CUDA.

    2. Create a new directory named build

    3. Open the command line interface in the newly created directory. Make sure the recent VC environment is available.

    4. Use CMake and the following command line to configure the project. It is very likely that you have to change some paths.

      Also make sure that the following snippet is written in a single line and, if necessary, the \ in paths is properly escaped:

          -DCUDAToolkit_NVVM_LIBRARY="C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA\\v11.7\\nvvm\\lib\\x64\\nvvm.lib"
    5. If you get a similar cmake error like the following:

      CMake Error in build/_deps/rv-src/src/CMakeLists.txt:
        Target "RV" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property contains path:
        which is prefixed in the build directory.

      Just ignore it. A file named AnyDSL.sln should still be created in the build folder. This might only be relevant for cmake configs with Visual Studio generators, however.

    6. If you are using the Visual Studio generator, you can now use the generated .sln to compile the project. This will take some time. Make sure that you use the Release configuration. Make sure the runtime, clang and artic project are built successfully, the others might fail for unknown reasons.

    7. For other IDEs use cmake --build ..

  2. Clone Ignis from PearCoding/Ignis. This time the master branch is fine.

    1. Getting AnyDSL to work is the hardest part. Congrats if you made it so far. However, Ignis requires some dependencies and configurations to work with AnyDSL.

    2. Make sure zlib and Intel oneAPI TBB are installed on your system. It is also recommended to install SDL2 to be able to use the viewer.

    3. Create a new directory named build

    4. Open the command line interface in the newly created directory. Make sure the recent VC environment is available.

    5. In the command line interface write the following and adapt it to your AnyDSL setup:

      set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Development\Projects\AnyDSL\build\_deps\llvm-build\Release\bin
    6. Use CMake and the following command line to configure the project. Make sure you use the Makefile or Ninja generator, as the Visual Studio one is not working. It is very likely that you have to change some paths. Especially, adapt it to your AnyDSL setup.

      Also make sure that the following snippet is written in a single line and, if necessary, the \ in paths is properly escaped:

          -DTBB_tbb_LIBRARY_RELEASE="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\oneAPI\\tbb\\2021.1.1\\lib\\intel64\\vc_mt\\tbb12.lib"
          -DTBB_tbbmalloc_LIBRARY_RELEASE="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\oneAPI\\tbb\\2021.1.1\\lib\\intel64\\vc_mt\\tbbmalloc.lib"
          -DTBB_INCLUDE_DIR="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\oneAPI\\tbb\\2021.1.1\\include"

      You can ignore the SDL2 entries if you decide not to use igview or change the build type to Debug if necessary.

    7. In contrary to the AnyDSL setup you can not use the newly generated .sln file directly. Use cmake --build . --config Release or use Visual Studio with the CMake interface.

    8. To run the frontends you might have to add multiple shared libraries (*.dlls) to the PATH environment variable or copy it next to the executables. Currently the shared libraries runtime.dll, runtime_jit_artic.dll, nvvm64.dll or nvvm64_40_0.dll, tbb.dll, SDL2.dll, zlib.dll are known to be required. The list is not exhaustive however, as the final list of dependencies depends on the system, current state of development and other external factors. Use one of the many dll dependency viewers available on Windows to find missing dlls and copy it next to the build executable or add it to the PATH environment variable.