Linux & Mac OS#


It is recommended to use the new automatic setup instead of the following one! The following may get outdated.

A quick and dirty tutorial to show how to setup AnyDSL and Ignis on a typical Linux OS or an Apple machine. The following will need cmake and a working C++ development environment.

  1. Clone AnyDSL from AnyDSL/anydsl

    1. Copy the to

    2. Change : ${BUILD_TYPE:=Debug} to : ${BUILD_TYPE:=Release} inside

    3. Optional: Use ninja instead of make as it is superior in all regards.

    4. Run ./ inside a terminal at the root directory and get a coffee.

  2. Clone Ignis from PearCoding/Ignis

    1. Make sure all the dependencies listed in are installed.

    2. Run mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DAnyDSL_runtime_DIR="ANYDSL_ROOT/runtime/build/share/anydsl/cmake" .., with ANYDSL_ROOT being the path to the root of the AnyDSL framework.

    3. Run cmake --build . inside the build/ directory and get your second coffee.

  3. Run ./bin/igview ../scenes/diamond_scene.json inside the build/ directory to see if your setup works. You should be able to see three diamonds lit by an area light.


MacOS CPU vectorization and GPU support is still very experimental and limited.